An obvious gain from an asynchronous, event-driven design is that many operations waiting for external services can be executed in parallel as long as no data dependency exists between them. 事件驱动异步设计的一个明显优点就是,如果大量等待外部服务的操作之间没有数据依赖关系,则可以并行执行这些操作。
This method can be used to analyze the semantic relations in object-oriented program units by ripple effect analysis, and the control dependency and data dependency by use of system dependency graph. 提出了把波动效应分析和系统依赖图结合起来进行切片的方法,通过波动效应分析反映面向对象程序中单元间的波动关系,基于系统依赖图切片侧重于分析控制依赖和数据依赖。
A more subtle problem is data dependency. 较错综复杂的问题是依赖性。
Simple Subtask Scheduling Algorithm Based on Data Dependency and Trigger 基于数据依赖和触发器的简单子任务调度算法
How does a database help to solve the data dependency problem? 数据库又如何协助解决数据依赖性问题呢?
This issue policy effectively solves the problem of false data dependency, improves the issue rate and minimizes the influence of control hazard. 采用该指令发射策略,有效的解决了操作数伪相关问题,提高了指令发射率,减少了控制相关的影响。
Based on the analysis of data dependency relationship among business activities, potential data dependency rules among activities were mined which were complementary to workflow control rule semantically. 在分析业务活动之间数据上依存关系的基础上,挖掘出存在于活动之间潜在的数据依存规则,在语义上补充了工作流的控制规则。
Compared with the traditional way, the new strategy takes into account both the control dependency and the data dependency between workflow task during the failure recovery. 与传统方法相比,新策略在工作流错误恢复和错误处理时考虑了工作步骤之间的控制依赖和数据依赖,并且对工作步骤的具体实现方式作了探讨,达到工作步骤错误恢复的高效性。
We analyze the data dependency and data Parallelism of these two kinds of dynamic programming. 本文分析了两类动态规划算法的数据依赖关系及其数据并行性。
In analysing the parallelism of loop program the analysis of data dependency, which mainly concerns the analysis of a set of elements in loop program is the most important and fundamental. 为分析循环程序的并行性,最重要且最基本的工作是数据相关性分析,而数据相关性分析最主要的内容之一是循环程序中数组元素间的数据相关性分析。
Data dependency is an important concept in database research. 数据依赖是数据库的一个重要概念。
Several key techniques of automatic parallelization are applied in APFC. APFC can automatically recognize variables shared in the array, analyse the data dependency and find the communication and synchronization points. APFC实现了数组共享变量的识别和相关性分析,能够自动搜索帧内同步和通信点,并自动生成并行划分后的节点源程序。
In this article, we discuss the null values and completeness of data dependency rules in relational database and give two theorems on them. 讨论了关系数据库中的空值与数据依赖规则的完备性问题,给出了两个定理。
Relation between data dependency transformation and number of partitioning bands 算法的相关性变换与划分带个数的关系
Augmented data dependency analysis in Vectorization 向量化中数据依赖关系的强化分析
Study on Data Dependency Theory in Temporal Database 时态数据库数据依赖理论研究
In point of data dependency, beam-forming can be classified to data independent beam-forming, optimal beam-forming and adaptive beam-forming. 从波束形成是否与输入数据相关的角度来分,波束形成可分为数据独立波束形成、最佳波束形成和自适应波束形成。
In view of the deficiency that some data dependency detection algorithms can't determine data dependency types in detail, this paper gives a new efficient data dependency detection algorithm-"subscript-factor detection" algorithm. 针对现有的相关性检测算法不能详细判定相关类型的不足,本文提出了基于形如aI+b的线性下标表达式的相关性检测新算法:下标因子相关性检测算法。
The problems how to model the input and output data dependency of candidate Web services and how to satisfy a service request by composition efficiently are vital to setup desired composition. 研究了Web服务合成问题,解决该问题的关键是对候选Web服务的输入输出数据关系进行建模,以及有效地利用这些已有的数据依赖关系实现服务合成请求。
According to the feature of class, this paper defines strict class dependency and fractionates dependency into data dependency and method dependency, and proves strict and describes the two concepts. 对类之间的依赖关系进行严格的形式化定义和说明,并依据类的基本特征将依赖关系细分为:数据依赖、方法依赖,并对二者也进行了形式化定义和说明。
Service-Net can be used to describe not only the control dependency and data dependency among inner operations, but also the message interactions of services with outer environments as an independent communication system. Service-Net不但能有效刻画Web服务内部操作之间的控制依赖以及数据依赖关系,还能表达Web服务作为一个独立通信系统与外部环境的消息交互。
At the same time under the extending of data dependency graph in multiple electronic control units, the thesis also surveys how to reduce the transfer data among several electronic control units, and maintain data freshness. 同时本文将数据间的依赖关系扩展到多个电子控制单元中,形成扩展数据依赖图,并在扩展数据依赖图基础上,研究如何在更新数据的同时尽量减少跨节点之间的数据传输方法。
Dependency can be divided into two categories: control dependency and data dependency. 依赖关系分为控制依赖关系和数据依赖关系两类。
Thirdly, a data generation method keeping data dependency was presented. 再次,给出了能保持数据依赖的匿名数据生成方法。
For the impact of data dependency on aggressive execution model, I propose the inter-block data forwarding and value-prediction technique, and define the concept of dependency depth. 从数据流的角度,分析了数据相关对于激进执行模型的影响,提出了块间的数据forwarding和值预测技术,并给出了块间数据依赖深度概念。
We introduce a simple program slicing algorithm based-on data dependency, which is suitable for slicing all conditions. 本文还给出了一种不是基于依赖图的简单程序切片算法,该算法适合对程序中所有条件语句计算切片。
In the design of temporal database, it is necessary to give full consideration to the data dependent treatment. Data dependency means all kinds of connections among data. The happening of data redundance is connected with data dependency. 在数据库的设计中,要充分考虑对数据依赖的处理,数据依赖是指数据之间存在的各种联系,数据冗余的产生和数据依赖有着密切的联系。
Firstly, we analyze the data dependency, then propose a fine-grained parallel algorithm and structure for Cholesky decomposition. 本文首先分析了算法的数据依赖关系,提出了Cholesky分解细粒度并行算法与结构。
Corresponding to it, a pipelined data path controller is suggested. And we discussed the two solutions for data dependency: forwarding and pipeline stalling. 与此相对应,采用了流水线组织的数据通路控制器,并讨论了解决数据相关性的两个方法,即数据前推和流水线的停止。
Researches about transformation of heterogeneous data schema focus on structure and semantic constraints, which neglects data dependency information. 现在对异构数据模式转换的研究主要集中在结构和语义约束转换,忽略了源数据模式中蕴含的数据依赖信息。